Thursday, December 24, 2009

Politicin: Heath Bill

I thought everyone was supposed to be different and unique. Different skin, different talents, different lifestyles. Everyone should be treated equally though, right? Heads nod, yes. Well then explain to me why there is a nearly unanimous chorus to over tax the wealthy. In almost every major government program the rich are taxed unfairly. Cries come out, "they have enough money, make them pay for it." These are the same people where when you take them out to dinner they order the lobster and expect you to pay the bill. I say fuck you. Work you piece of shit. Life is not fair but you deal with it. Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, others scratch and claw to get by but you know what, you play the hand you were dealt.
This health care bill is an insult to the people that work for a living and do all the right things. They most likely are already insured. They don't need their taxes to rise in order to insure the unemployed or the woefully employed. If they want to help out they will, but do not force their hand. So, Obama I have tried to support you but consider this my official disapproval of your presidency. You continue to forget about people who make this country go and have forged a greater path for people to exploit America.

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