Friday, December 11, 2009

When it's Never Good Enough

"I don’t know what possesses some people to constantly seek the rainbow’s end, even as they stand bestride their pot of gold." That little gem was found in this article.

And while it releates to Brian Kelly, I am going to spin it.

You see I can relate to this comment. I am someone who is rarely satisfied. This is both a positive and negative thing. My inability to relax and bask in glory forces me to push forward. I seek bigger and better things always. I am fresh out of college and have a job, yet that job is not good enough. The pay is good but it could be better, the hours are reasonable, but my commute is often rough. Girls I meet are seemingly filled with flaws. I am climbing the ladder but I am not sure where the top is and how high I have to climb.

I am sure some people can relate to this inability to relax and bask in the glory. We always want more than what we have but it's not greed. It's not manifest destiny. We are willing to put in the work to earn it and it's because of this we will succeed even when we "fail" because for us it's never quite good enough. So you see even though we struggle within, we are better off for it.

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