Friday, October 30, 2009

Drug Free, Not The Way To Be

This is a continuation of Book of Revelations. So scroll down and read that first, or don't. Fine, be that way.

My stubbornness and steadfast approach to do the right thing has stunted my growth. I was a little crazy in high school. Lightubes were my favorite toy. I was relatively unable to talk to girls. Football was my social life. I busted my ass to survive at Eustace in the classroom. By all accounts I was a damn good kid but you were a little afraid of me.

I did not give in to the popular thing to do, and I still don't. I have never smoked weed or cigarettes or did any drugs. However, I'm willing to admit that after all these years I was wrong about alcohol. I was never drunk until my 21st birthday. Drinking has allowed me to evolve my social life. I'm more open to trying new things or doing things that I wouldn't normally do.

As a 20 year old I was more hard working and focused than many 30 year olds. I wasn't very happy though. Drinking has allowed me live out the high school and college years that I failed to experience. I was trying to push forward without experiencing my sophomoric life. I was mature and I still am but I am playing catch up for the the fun that I missed out on. I need to get the drinking out of my system before I can move on.

In the college article that precedes this post I was going to say that I should have went to a random school such as TCU or Clemson and I would have had more fun. I do not really believe that I would have survived without playing a sport or joining a fraternity. La Salle allowed me to stay in touch with high school friends. Its up for debate whether or not I needed the training wheels. If I would have been willing to drink at this age perhaps I would have fallen in line with a decent group of friends and had more fun in college. This would have allowed for me to go to that random school and ultimately have fun. I wasn't ready though. I would have struggled in a foreign place without a solid group of friends.

I was more open and met many new people when I went out my senior year of college. I gave it my best effort and things didn't turn out perfect, but it was the best time I had in college. I won't talk to too many people from college because I didn't have as many true friends as high school but here's a toast to peer pressure. Drink up.

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