Thursday, October 1, 2009

Favorite TV Shows Past and Present

Shows such as Eureka's Castle, Mr. Rodgers do not count because I cannot tell you much about them today and I can't say for sure if I really liked them or watched them. I also refuse to list them. Also there is no particular order to this.

Early Years Pre 3rd Grade or so
Pro Stars- Looking back I did not realize there was a mere 13 episodes but it featured all my childhood hero's. Show was ridiculous. I remember Wayne for some reason loved hot dogs. Bo seemed to be the centerpiece and did almost all the crime fighting. Jordan was the leader because he was supposedly the smart one. Reading Wiki it sounds like a train wreck.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- The first run of course and still my favorite commercial kid's thing of all time. Fuck Barney, Power Rangers, and anything else from that era. This was where my alligence was and always will be. I owned the toys, played the video games religiously, and even owned several trading cards that came in the wax pack with gum. Liking sports gr owning up this was the only cartoon I had time for. For the record original TMNT 193 episodes, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 145 episodes.

Where in the World is Carmen Sandiago - Great show. If I recall it was on at 5 on PBS. Doing research on Wiki I was suprised to learn that the show was created from the computer games and not the ohter way around. Anyways, I sure you were a gumshoe at some point in your childhood. If you had the computer games like I did they were fun but the original one was impossible. I played the game for a few hours like 5 years ago and I still don't know where that bitch is. "Where in time is Carmen Sandiego" was a rather lame spinoff but the computer game was arather enjoyable. I actually learned about history through it and it was fun to play.

Honorable Mention
Wild and Crazy Kids

Early Years Continued- 3rd Grade on or so to middle school
Rugrats-172 Episodes. I watched this until the first movie came out before I grew out of it. Not until around 5th or 6th Grade
American Gladiators- Great action from start to finish. I often staged the many games on there in my basement including the eliminator.
Double Dare- Simple questions for the most part and fun challenges. The obstacle course at the end was great too.
Nick Arcade- Do the video challenge strut. Video games were mostly trash. This show wasn't really all that great looking back but dammit I find myself repeating lines from Host Phil Moore and the Mikey character. Chances are Phil Moore is addicted to drugs right now.
Saved by the Bell-Several similar shows were launched after this show that need no introduction. USA High, City Guys, California Dreams just to name a few.

Honorable Mention-
Legends of the Hidden Temple- This show is boring when there is not a physical activity and even then it's only fun at the end.
GUTS- This show was somewhat lame even when I was young. I watched because it was sports related but the events were often dumb. Let's throw it down to Mo for the middle school category
Full House- I grew to hate this show but I'd be lying if I said I hadn't seen all the episodes

The winner of all these games was sure to great a trip Universal Studios Florida.

Middle School-
Boy Meets World- This show was watched earlier but I remember it being part of the routine after school. 158 episodes. Remember the one with Jim Abbot. Easily on the favorites list.
Note- There are several shows that you could grab from TGIF but this is the only one I really loved.
Recess- A very underrated show in my opinion. The last kid's cartoon I really watched I remember catching it on UPN after school before Boy Meets World. Great cast of characters but of course there is one black kid in the group and they make him the athlete. It's an extremely stereotypical show but you shouldn't care.
Early Edition- 90 episodes. Looking back this should is made for Lifetime network which would explain why I discovered it at Mrs.Young's house.

Shows you watched with your parents that you really did like-
Everybody loves Raymond- You miss sitcoms now don't you. I really can't watch this anymore though
Cheers-273 episodes damn.
Nash Bridges- My dad liked it and so did I when it had Stone Cold and hot girls.

High School- Present
South Park- This show has ruled since 6th grade. It has evolved with its audience.
Seinfeld- watched this show with my parents a few times but did not get into it until probably college.
Entourage- I didn't think I'd like this when it first dropped but Ari makes the show.
Arrested Development- Not discovered until college, it is probably that only show I can't fall asleep too. You need to actively pay attention or you will miss what is going on.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia- Hooray for active shows! Well after much Internet hype I decided to give this show a chance in season 4. The fact that it is in Philly makes it even better.

Honorable Mention
CSI- The original and surely the best. I was hooked for a whole season then I stopped watching due to lack of time.

I hoped you enjoyed the amount of grammar errors but I'm not editing.

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